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Editorial Team

Emma Johnson serves as Editor-in-Chief of TriviaBoss. She is a graduate of Arizona State University and lives in Denver, CO where she works as a journalist. In 2024, TriviaBoss partnered with JustWill LLC and MediaVerse LLC for syndication of its content. TriviaBoss allows 3rd parties to republish its content for syndication purposes, including Microsoft News (MSN), Apple News, Yahoo News, Newsbreak, AOL, Google News, and others. To inquire about syndication opportunities, please contact us. You can contact Emma at

Correction Policy

TriviaBoss fact-checks all published content. The website publishes corrections at the top of articles.

Ethics Policy

The website is transparent with readers. The site is independent and has no ties to lobbyists, politicians, or special interest groups. The site does not accept any funding from foreign governments or individuals. The website is exclusively funded through 3rd party online ads. You may opt out of cookie-based advertising and manage your privacy settings. Employees and independent contractors of TriviaBoss re expected to act lawfully, honestly, ethically, and in the best interests of the company while performing duties on behalf of To report a violation of our Ethics Policy, please contact us.

What We Offer

• Engaging Trivia: Immerse yourself in a world of fascinating facts, brain-teasing quizzes, and delightful trivia that spans an array of topics, from history and science to pop culture and beyond.

• Timely News Updates: Stay informed with our comprehensive news coverage, encompassing a spectrum of global, national, and local events, ensuring that you are equipped with the latest developments shaping our world.

• Interactive Community: Join a community of passionate learners and news enthusiasts, where you can share insights, exchange ideas, and revel in the camaraderie of like-minded individuals.

Our Commitment

We are unwavering in our commitment to delivering content that is informative, thought-provoking, and entertaining. Our team of dedicated writers, researchers, and editors endeavors to curate a diverse array of content that resonates with our audience, fostering an enriching and immersive experience for all who visit our platform.

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We invite you to embark on a journey of discovery and enlightenment with us. Join our community, explore our content, and immerse yourself in the boundless world of trivia and news. Together, let’s celebrate the joy of learning and the thrill of staying informed. You can contact the Editor at